Digital Illustration
A simple illustration or cartoon for articles or promos
Service Description
Can't find the perfect stock illustration or image for an article or marketing promotion? This service is a perfect budget friendly alternative. You'll get a custom illustration that actually suits! The illustration can be a simple outline with colour or more detailed black line only based on your concept. To explain your concept please provide reference images for the object/s and for the style. I will then discuss this in the consultation and provide one quick mock-up with one round of changes before delivering the final file. This process can take under a week if communication is quick. DELIVERABLE: Single Illustration File - A single 4000x4000px 300DPI illustration as png, tiff or jpeg (or smaller size if specified by client). The illustration is single use copyrighted to Rhiannon Poley, therefore the client does not have permission for unlimited royalty free use or a perpetual license for reuse or resale. Email to discuss royalty free work.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact me within 24 hours.
Contact Details